Saturday, 19 September 2009


Despite the band commissioning us to make them a video, they gave us quite a lot of freedom with it. They want a music video, but don't seem entirely sure what they want it to do, so Mike and I came up with some suggestions for what it could be, and pitched them to them.

First, we came up with the band going on the top of a Cambridge City Sightseeing bus. They would be playing invisible instruments as they toured the sights of Cambridge. The band weren't too impressed with the idea. They said that it ruined the theme of the song, so we decided to scrap that idea. I'm glad we did, it's not a great idea and i think would look far too much like a student video.

I think our best idea would be to feature the band playing at a gig, preferably playing at the Junction but we could put up with the hall at College. We may also have a narrative featuring someone running to get to the gig on time, whilst intercutting between the two. As he reaches the Junction, the video would fade out or possibly have him running into the Junction and showing the band packing up after the gig.

We also know that the band are due to play a live gig at the Junction on the 16th October, so we were hoping to go there and film possible crowd shots and a few of the band playing. This would be brief as trying to sync the performance up with the track, would be too time consuming for the time we have got to do this.

The band came up with a suggestion that was something along the lines of them all playing naked. I'm not sure what it is with bands and doing things naked, but we decided it would be inappropriate and there was no way in hell i was going to film it. Thankfully i don't think they were entirely serious about the idea as it was a commission and if they had told us that's what they wanted and nothing else would work we would have had to find a new commission to do.

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