Thursday, 17 September 2009

Music Video Research

I have been looking at many different music videos to get an idea about how they work. We need to create a video that is different to anything else, but at the same time similar in style to the genre of the music. This was relatively easy as i watch loads of music videos on TV, but very few of them are particularly interesting. This, however is not the case for all videos as a few of them are fantastic.

I like this video because it is utterly bizarre. The coloured in eyes make the people look incredibly weird, while the coloured in, slightly jumpy effect as the stopmotion makes it look really cool.

I really like this video, and most of Michael Jacksons other videos, but i really like this one because i think it is incredibly cleverly done. The way they swap between scenes by using things that are in the scene already, such as when they go from dancing in the street in the snow, to the cossacks, the scene is changed as a white car drives past the screen obscuring the view, so you don't notice the scene is different until it is completely gone from view. I also really like the ending, where they have the different people singing the song and it changes between them. I'm not sure how this was done, as a similar thing could be done by simply fading in and out different footage, providing the eyes are kept in the same position during the transition. However i think something different has been done with this video as it doesn't just fade out it looks like it's been sort of rubbed out bit by bit.

I love the bit right at the start of this video where he rips his face off and then smashes his skull, to reveal himself again. I have no idea how it was done but i think it looks amazing. I also like it when the dancers are jumping around on the walls and the ceilings, as it gives the video a totally different feel to it.

I like this video because it shows that a music video can be entirely story based without needing to show the band physically playing their instruments. Many music videos rely quite heavily on featuring the band either playing their instruments or doing things as the band. This one doesn't and i think it sticks out because of it.

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