Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Risk Assessment / Health and Safety

There are a number of risks to be considered while filming a music video.

For a start, we are filming the majority of it in a small room with not much light, lots of cables of assorted expensive instruments. For a start, while filming, i am planning to move around a lot to get more interesting footage, which means i will have to pay attention to what i'm filming and pay attention to the assorted cables that will be draped around the room.

There also isn't much light in the rehearsal room we are filming in, so that adds to the potential danger of tripping and hurting myself.

If we are filming at the Junction, again, we have to be careful of any wires, but if we are in the crowd we have more problems.

People may spill drinks on the floor so it could get quite slippery and we could fall.

Crowds in gigs can get very exitable and it has potential to get pretty damn hot, so i need to ensure i have water and don't get de-hydrated.

Also we obviously need to ensure we don't break any of the equipment because i sure as hell can't afford to replace any of it.h

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